Terms of Use

Restrictions of Use: This website is owned by the owner of CheckMVFirst.com and no materials or information from this website may be copied, republished, posted, hyperlinked, or transmitted for any purpose other than facilitating you connecting with local businesses.

Disclaimer and Indemnification:  The businesses listed on this site are connected to Moon Valley.  CheckMVFirst.com does not endorse or sponsor any businesses, but instead is a place to find local vendors and services.  CheckMVFirst.com’s participation in the website does not constitute endorsement by CheckMVFirst.com. It is the user’s responsibility to check if the company is bonded, licensed, and insured, is in good standing with the state of Arizona, and if it has quality recommendations. Use of any information on this site constitutes your agreement to hold harmless CheckMVFirst.com (and our employees) from any damages or claims of every kind or nature rising out of or in any way connected with such disputes and your dealings or use of any information provided or service rendered by companies on CheckMVFirst.com.